Galeria Senat - Bilete la Galeria Senat pe

Tickets Galeria Senat

You can buy tickets for events at Galeria Senat directly from us!
3SO The Olive Seed Series #2: Ion Ludwig, Prâslea
On March 7th, The Olive Seed Series continues with The Olive Seedling, symbolizing the first signs of new life. Our journey continues through music,…
Hurry up, just a few tickets left!
from 832 EUR
Cyclic presents Statement w. Anfisa Letyago
14 Mar
First time in Romania the new techno superstar, Anfisa Letyago ( NSDA) will rock the dancefloor with her energy and a special setup made by Cyclic
from 1448 EUR

Galeria Senat ,
Strada Băiculești 29